
Flickr: Public Computer Crashes

Billboard Crash in Las Vegas, originally uploaded by memphysema.
Nice Flickr Group


Love IPTV Shows as much as I do?

Well, here’s a nice list: Oh and the famous mediaplayer VLC has been updated too.


First real snow in Berlin

Today the first real snow arrived in Berlin. Had some a few days ago, but this time it’s some more. Here’s the link to my Flickr set.


Almost a month

Sorry for the delay once again. It’s been a pretty busy month. I mean, November just flew by. Unbelievable that it’s almost christmas. Actually it’s only a month until then.

They already put up the christmas tree at the Pariser Platz, in front of our office. And I have to say that it doesn’t really look that great. Even the lights, which they applied yesterday, didn’t make it look better. But a colleague told me that the one from last year actually looked even worse.

Well, what’s going on beyond the fact, that this year is almost history?There’s thing I didn’t happen to see while being at home or even in Düsseldorf back in the days. For example, the supermarket in a major S-Bahn-Station has a bodyguard standing in front of it. At 22 o’clock in the evening that is. So when you’re going shopping at 21:30 you better wear the right shoes 😉

Going to work via train and home is also a very “interesting” thing. It’s really wise to wear headphones when going from a to b, because as soon as you got them on, you’re not disturbed by all this newspaper-guys, etc. Also make sure the music is loud enough to cover these musicians who spread out their “songs”. It’s really disturbing, I’d rather give them money to stop playing until I have to get out of the train. Downside of the headphones is – of course – when a nice girl sits down right next to you and you can’t hear her… 😉

So what was in the news the past days. Oh yeah, Sony BMGs rootkit -oh- “copy-protection”. My favorite topic recently. I really feel these companies have to go. And when looking at the alternatives, the Podshow Music Network in particular, I think these big companies really have to get their things together. They missed the internet-age and now, after Apple has some serious business going on, they are trying to shut Apple down by requesting higher prices. I really love to see independent music coming on. I recently bought the CDs from Chance. Really great tunes! And for getting more good music you should subscribe to the Accident Hash Podcast.

Next topic? Ok, well Xbox 360. Beyond some people already smashing it, I really don’t know what I should think of the rumors that after the first shipment it’ll take until January 2006 to get the next few units. I don’t know. As Microsoft is losing once again a few hundred dollars per sold unit, that might be the reason. But come on, this is Microsoft, they can afford it. And why would they break their best way to earn money before christmas? To create a hype? Well, I don’t know.

Well I try to get updated entries out more regularly, but I can’t promise anything.



So, more than a month passed since my last entry and my move to Berlin. The move was a true horror, a week full of carrying things around. First the private move on a weekend, including a whole-day-trip to Ikea. Carrying all those things to the 3rd floor was like hell. The most important thing was to get a bed right on the second day, so I didn’t have to sleep on the floor. A month later nothing much has come into that room, a desk, a small cabinet, the bed and a chair. Our living room doesn’t contain much more, but at the moment it doesn’t really matter, as we primarily are at work.

Internet also hasn’t yet arrived. The technician first came only to find out, that we didn’t have access to the basement. The next time we only found a note, that he was there, but none of us was. Well, perhaps it might be smarter to tell us when he’s coming. Just an idea. So, no phone or internet either. Well, cell phones rule anyways 😉

Our show made a smooth transition from Düsseldorf to Berlin, I think. Things have changed. Some to the better, some to the worse.

Got me the new iPod. They actually managed to get an even better sound quality on the new model over the previous models. Watching videos on it also is a nice thing. It isn’t as big as the other portable media players out there, so it fits perfect into any pocket. Also new PowerBooks were announced this month and I’m really thinking about getting one of these. The press rebates are really nice… Anyone want my old Mac mini? Fully-fledged with all features available.

So how was your last month? Get me up to speed… 🙂



Sorry for the lack of updates, but there’s just too much going on here. So you have to wait a few days for an update…


What a weekend

We finally managed to find a nice appartement! Congratulations to us 😉 It was a really nice weekend, even if a little bit stressful on saturday, but from the evening on it was great.

My colleagues dropped me off after dinner at a good friend and the two of us had the chance to have a nice conversation throughout the night. In the morning we had a nice breakfast together and then my friends came to pick me up again to go to the city to sign the contract for our appartement. After that we went back to Düsseldorf.


Berlin, once again

So, being back from Berlin, and having no luck at the first try to get a flat, I’m now trying to find one together with a colleague. In Berlin it’s easier to find a big flat, rather than a single appartement. I’ll try to get there again this weekend, but it’s getting complicated due to some “great” ideas here.

Going home from Berlin to Düsseldorf was fun too. My plane left Tegel at 18:35. So I supposed getting on the 17:00 Express-Bus “TXL” from Alex to Tegel was a good idea. Well I made it to my plane in time, but only because Tegel is such a small airport. You can walk around there and just look for the correct gate. I arrived at about 18:00 at the airport, so the adivsed 30 minute gap made a perfect fit.

The 50 minute flight was perfect, no comparison to the 4 hour train ride we had to get there on friday. The biggest problem though is the local transfer from Düsseldorf airport to the city. It takes longer than the actual flight.

I left Berlin with a mixed feeling. There were some things that could have been better and have to be fixed in the upcoming days. If there is any way to fix.


The way to Berlin

Today we’ll be going to Berlin to have a weekend and a little bit more to scout for a new place to stay. Additionally I’ll meet a good friend again. Can’t wait to see her again.

Let’s see what the capital can do for us…


Call me visionary, or just a realist?

It sucks when something isn’t happening the way it was supposed to. And it sucks even more when you “knew” that before. Only for the fact of thinking positive, I believed something might just work out exactly how I’d like it to. So much for being visionary, realist, optimist or pessimist… Note to self: Trust your feelings!

Nothing really important this time, but it just shows how things work for me (or not).