
Almost a month

Sorry for the delay once again. It’s been a pretty busy month. I mean, November just flew by. Unbelievable that it’s almost christmas. Actually it’s only a month until then.

They already put up the christmas tree at the Pariser Platz, in front of our office. And I have to say that it doesn’t really look that great. Even the lights, which they applied yesterday, didn’t make it look better. But a colleague told me that the one from last year actually looked even worse.

Well, what’s going on beyond the fact, that this year is almost history?There’s thing I didn’t happen to see while being at home or even in Düsseldorf back in the days. For example, the supermarket in a major S-Bahn-Station has a bodyguard standing in front of it. At 22 o’clock in the evening that is. So when you’re going shopping at 21:30 you better wear the right shoes 😉

Going to work via train and home is also a very “interesting” thing. It’s really wise to wear headphones when going from a to b, because as soon as you got them on, you’re not disturbed by all this newspaper-guys, etc. Also make sure the music is loud enough to cover these musicians who spread out their “songs”. It’s really disturbing, I’d rather give them money to stop playing until I have to get out of the train. Downside of the headphones is – of course – when a nice girl sits down right next to you and you can’t hear her… 😉

So what was in the news the past days. Oh yeah, Sony BMGs rootkit -oh- “copy-protection”. My favorite topic recently. I really feel these companies have to go. And when looking at the alternatives, the Podshow Music Network in particular, I think these big companies really have to get their things together. They missed the internet-age and now, after Apple has some serious business going on, they are trying to shut Apple down by requesting higher prices. I really love to see independent music coming on. I recently bought the CDs from Chance. Really great tunes! And for getting more good music you should subscribe to the Accident Hash Podcast.

Next topic? Ok, well Xbox 360. Beyond some people already smashing it, I really don’t know what I should think of the rumors that after the first shipment it’ll take until January 2006 to get the next few units. I don’t know. As Microsoft is losing once again a few hundred dollars per sold unit, that might be the reason. But come on, this is Microsoft, they can afford it. And why would they break their best way to earn money before christmas? To create a hype? Well, I don’t know.

Well I try to get updated entries out more regularly, but I can’t promise anything.