
Testing WordPress for iPhone

Testing the new WordPress for iPhone app on my – guess what – iPhone. Looks good so far!

After the initial impressions you quickly realise the shortcomings and things that need to be done to the app until it does all the important things. For example moderating comments or being able to change things in your blog such as de-/activating plugins without the need of Safari.

Also I’d to be able to arrange my photos in posts how I want them to appear. Just like in the normal web interface. Oh, btw, anyone got a good gallery replacement? The stock 2.6 gallery which you can see below isn’t really nice.

But for a 1.0 release WordPress for the iPhone does the basic stuff right, which is posting an entry and inserting photos. The latter isn’t beautiful but it gets the job done. One more thing: using the Twitter tools plugin always creates the “New blog post”-tweet even though you haven’t yet published the post. So if you see random posts/tweets around the web containing “!$title$!” you know where they might be coming from.