
Exciting announcement from iTunes?

Tomorrow is just another day.
I wonder what this’ll be. Subscription service, iTunes in the cloud or just a working Facebook integration for Ping?

I find the subscription service a bit unlikely, because this sounds like a global announcement. But maybe Apple already made deals with the important labels worldwide. Who knows, they don’t really mind launching things like these with only a limited number of partners.

Facebook for Ping, nah. That’d be too much hype even for Apple. But maybe they’ll finally put their Lala acquisition to some use. Or maybe it’ll be the Yellow Submarine special edition iPod…

We’ll find out for sure tomorrow at 7 am (PST)/3 pm (GMT). Let the hype begin (or continue)…

Update 16.11.2010: Turns out I wasn’t that far off with the Yellow Submarine iPod, but it’s just The Beatles. A day we’ll never forget. True, in the sense of it was the day of a lame announcement. Some of the backlash after the break…

Oh, and just for the record: The Beatles albums on are cheaper.