Blog Howto

A look at ZiPhone

Today I ran into trouble with the new ZiPhone (version 2.0 in my case). It always resulted in an iPhone being stuck at the Apple logo after the process started. But let’s look at the options of ZiPhone options first.

$ ./ziphone

ZiPhone v2.0 by Zibri.
Source code available at:

Usage: ziphone [-u] [-a] [-j] [-i imei]
-b: Downgrade bootloader to 3.9 !
-u: Unlock (4.6 AND 3.9 BL !)
-a: Activate
-j: Jailbreak
-i: Change imei (4.6 AND 3.9 BL !)
-v: Verbose boot (debug)
-e: iErase BL 3.9 baseband

So, my iPhone was one with BL 3.9 and a fresh 1.1.3 firmware. So I had to unlock, jailbreak and activate it.

$ ./ziphone -uaj

ZiPhone v2.0 by Zibri.
Source code available at:

Loading zibri.dat.
Searching for iPhone…
Entering recovery mode.
Please wait 2’30”.

As you see, after ten minutes or so while being stuck at the Apple logo I decided to stop the process. So I did some searching on the iphone-elite forums and found a hint by “raexon” that putting the phone into recovery mode again and from there start ziphone again, this time with the -v (Verbose boot) switch. After a while the iPhone will reboot and show some console text – otherwise known as cryptical info to the common user.

$ ./ziphone -v

ZiPhone v2.0 by Zibri.
Source code available at:

Loading zibri.dat.
Searching for iPhone…

The process worked fine and the iPhone in question is now free of any digital ties to AT&T or anyone else. I hope this will be the last iPhone post for the next weeks but I already smell some big news in the nearby future.

Thanks to everyone who took part in creating this piece of software!

Update (14/02/2008): According the Zibri version 2.1 doesn’t have the “Apple logo bug” anymore.